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Educational Value of Chess

At La Petite Ecole Bilingue, we believe that many extra-curriculum subjects, such as Latin or Chess, are essential to help achieve excellence in education.

We run Chess Master-Classes regularly to give everyone the opportunity to learn through chess.

[Below are excerpts quoted from a great article by Wendi Fischer.]

"It's not about Kings, Queens, and Rooks, but rather, quadrants and coordinates, thinking strategically and foreseeing consequences. It's about lines and angles, weighing options and making decisions. Chess might just be the perfect teaching and learning tool...

Research shows, there is a strong correlation between learning to play chess and academic achievement...

Chess levels the playing field as it crosses all socio-economic boundaries. It is a universal game...

Many schools have after-school chess clubs that create a mix of fun, competition and learning... By integrating chess into the classroom, we are able to reach all children and provide them with the benefits of learning through the game of chess... "

[Author of the above-quoted excerpts, Wendi Fischer, is the Scholastic Director of America's Foundation for Chess - a non-profit organization, dedicated to bringing chess into the schools so that all children can have the benefits of its lessons. Read Her Full Article Here.]

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