The Stewart Bilingual School

Hours, schedule and lunch
The school is open from Monday to Friday as follows:
8.30 am: school doors open
8.45 am: lessons start for Years 2 to 6 (Primaire)
9 am: lessons start for Year 1 and below (Maternelle)
4pm: end of lessons*
* On Wednesdays lessons end at 12 noon
After school:
After school care, language support classes and Clubs: 4pm to 6.30pm
Wednesday workshops:12 noon to 4pm
Schedule and lunch
Pupils enjoy a 20 minutes break per half day as well as a 45 minutes break after lunch.​
All children have a snack of fruit or vegetables in the morning which is provided by the school.
A warm lunch is cooked fresh daily in our kitchen ( Menu )
After their lunch Nursery pupils have a nap when the other pupils enjoy story time followed by a long playtime (45 minutes in total). Lessons resume at 1.30 pm for all year groups.
Special schedules :
Sports (on Thursdays am)
Choir (on Thursdays pm)
Latin (on Fridays from Years)
Forest School for Nursery (Mondays) and Reception (Fridays)
Dance for Nursery (on Wednesdays)